
Spring Springs

The peach trees bloom pink in April, but usually the peaches are eaten by deer and birds before we get any! What makes this later part of April so special is watching what happens during the first week of May! For decades, it’s been referred to as “magic week,” because that’s the time of the year when the woods become filled with vegetation and stop looking so bare! However, this year comes with loads of caterpillars and moths that will eat up the leaves off the trees! That means this fall won’t be colorful like usual. At least some color may be captured before it’s gone!

The amount of ticks this year seems normal. Even though there aren’t more of them, they still carry Lyme disease! By July though, ticks stop being an issue until October comes rolling around. Cora has had a few on her, but has had tests and they come up negative for Lyme! She does need to lose weight though. Enough about that! Enjoy April’s look, because things change fast during the spring coming into summer.