
Common Law

A person can contract with a corporation. A person is legal fiction (i.e., incorporated). In 1862, “person” was changed to “corporation.” For a contract to be valid, there are certain rules that need to be abided by.

The parties must be competent to contract.
They must be of the age of consent.
They must be mentally able.
They must be free to contract between legal or lawful entities.
There must be free and genuine consent. That consent has not been obtained by fraud, deceit, coercion, or mistake.
There must be full disclosure; providing all material information that may influence the decision on both parties’ behalf.
There must be valuable consideration, so something of value needs to exchange between both parties.
There needs to be certainty of terms. Those terms and conditions are fixed and they are unable to be changed without agreement.
There must be a meeting of minds, so when those parties recognize and comprehend their obligations . . .
There must be signatures of autographs in wet ink as recorded evidence of reciprocal consent . . .
. . . if contracted between a living man or living woman and another living man or living woman, then it’s an autograph.
. . . if a person is signing on behalf of their legal fiction, it’s a signature.
There must be privity of contract, so that contract cannot be sold onto a third party.

You, as a living soul, are not your legal fiction. You are not a person! You act on behalf of your legal fiction, so you choose what contracts you want to enter into.

Common Laws are simple:

You cause no harm, loss or injury to another living soul or their property.
You make no threat of harm, loss or injury.
You are honorable in all your dealings.


An act committed in violation of a law (vs. rules; rules apply to persons).
Unlawful activity.
A serious offense.

For example, if you’ve forgotten to get insurance on your car or you forgot to get it inspected on time and you get sent a fine, who have you caused harm, loss or injury to? No one. It’s not actually breaking a law. It’s breaking a rule.

So, signs on the road are rules; not laws! Rules are for persons; not a living man or living woman. Speed limits are not lawful. They are guidelines. Tickets come from breaking a rule; not breaking a law. Those rules only apply to persons. If you look at every single piece of legislation, that’s been issued by the government, by parliament, they only apply to a person; not a living man or living woman.

You will not find the word “man” or “woman” in there, because they cannot impose it on living souls.

Where is the victim? So, your legal fiction becomes a member of the society of the UK Corporation. It has to follow the rules of that society. Legal fictions follow rules. A living woman does not follow rules.

You are not your (e.g., Sam’s, Ollie’s, etc.) club card. You are not your legal fiction.

You can’t ignore something that’s been imposed on you. If you don’t respond, i.e., if you exercise your right to silence (<– a trick), it’s considered TACIT ACCEPTANCE. You must rebut.

State that what they are saying in NOT true. You need to rebut!

If you need to rebut face-to-face, speak up! For example, if a police officer is trying to impose a fine on you, that fine is an invitation to contract. When asked to contract, say, “No thank you.”

I do not consent.
I do not wish to contract with you.
I do not answer questions.
(or just keep saying)
I don’t understand.

Legalese has taken many common English words and turned them against us in order to trick and trap us.

A public servant in our office says, “Do you understand?” This means, “Do you agree to stand under my authority?” If you say, “Yes,” you just contracted and created problems for yourself.

If you get something in the mail (post), you need to rebut in writing. A questionnaire is not something that is being imposed on you. A jury duty questionnaire is junk mail that can be thrown out by a living man or living woman.

A written rebuttal to reply must occur within 3 days.

Conditional Acceptance:

You want to fine me $75 for parking in the wrong place? Prove to me we had a contract that I agreed to the terms of that contract. Prove to me that me, as a living man or living woman I am liable. You are fining my legal fiction; not me.

Don’t let the corporations grey the simple understanding of the law. Everything other than common law is contract. Contract does not create a victim; crime does.

If you actually break a law — cause harm, loss or injury . . . or threat to a man or woman — then, you did break the law by committing a crime. Then, they are able to deal with you in that way. But everything else? . . . that is contract.

When you create a victim, you did not contract. You broke common law.