
Summertime Entertainment

It’s entertaining to remember how I tie my kayak onto my automobile, so to make it fun instead of a nightmare, a photo is necessary to recall how to continue the method! September 2018 was when the picture below in the left was shot. On the right, those two images where taken sometime before summer was starting in the Adirondaks.

Besides the challenge of remembering how to tie the kayak onto the car, is remembering how the tent is supposed to look when set up correctly. It was at the end of July in 2021 when the tent got heavily sprayed with waterproofing material.

The photos of the tent above were taken in the yard. It was to see what the reality of lugging all this stuff looks like when done in a Subaru Forester. The tent would have been slept in that night, if a bear hadn’t been running towards it while I was inside hearing hubs yelling for me to stay in it. That solves the problem of remembering how outdoor fun works, now for fixing some other forms of fun!

Because videos are unable to be shared between different mobile phone operating systems, this post may provide an alternative way to have them viewed by folks without Apple products! The first production is brought to us by a cat and turtle!


This next piece is done by a little girl reading to her cat. Her cat obviously finds the girl’s voice soothing!