
Pride Enables Cognitive Dissonance

Recently, I wondered about how pride enables cognitive dissonance, thinking it’s opposite disables it. So, I went online to see who else has the same thoughts. Below are those thoughts of others. If you’d like to skip these and instead read Faith’s thoughts on this subject, scroll to the bottom of this post.

Seven years ago, Simplicious_LETTius on reddit posted, “Is cognitive dissonance fueled by pride, or is it pride? Because, you know, “pride is before a crash” after all! The replies are fitting.

And it seems that a person who is proud of their investment into a belief would find it quite difficult to admit they were wrong even when faced with factual, damning evidence!

basketcase57 replies:
I would say yes in some cases but I would also argue a lack of self-esteem or self purpose. If it’s easier to think some devil monster is putting obstacles in front of you then you never have to face reality. Also losing the only ‘family’ you’ve ever known, especially for the ones in the long haul, would be crushing. Fear of reality and admitting there is ‘no big picture’ or ‘you make your own fate’ can be too much.

I feel like it is an unfortunate case of putting all their eggs in the wrong basket.

killinghurts replies:
Yeah I think pride probably has something to do with it. In order to keep an appearance of integrity and trust within a group setting, you need to appear to always making the right decisions.

zacharmstrong9 replies:
Since many JW converts are ‘lost souls’ who’ve had a pattern of bad life choices that leave them tired and vulnerable, the last thing they want to admit is that they have failed AGAIN

garmondm replies:
Not to mention thy do a good job of pointing out the flaws in other religions while keeping the focus off them so once you realize they are bull you struggle with a pretty deep existential crisis after. I think the brain knows that on some subconscious level that it’s going to be uncomfortable and then brain tries to keep you comfortable. I read a study on motivation and will power and how there’s no such thing you just have to power through the discomfort that is keeping you from doing a thing. Basically yoda said t best “try not, do or do not there is no try. And I think that a similar thing happens your brain senses discomfort and you ignore and run from the thing causing it.

I was just thinking about lately. considering my past as a JW, I would think that I know more about life than everyone and I had pity for people.
it was weird… I really thought I, along with other JWs, were unique in that we were so special that our training was so much better that I would reason with biblical and WTBS writings to some to a conclusion that satisfied my ego.
I think back and realize just how much of a horses ass I was in that thinking.

Yes ant it’s fed and Reinforced by the org with we’re the only ppl loved by god rhetoric.

An anonymous Christian blogger set free from “Institutional Church” shares how, “Cognitive Dissonance in Sinful Mankind.” He states,

In its most damming form, cognitive dissonance hinders. use these ego-defense mechanisms to resolve the dissonance: decision-making abilities and causes human beings to suppress and distort the truth. This is the modus operandi of the unbeliever who refuses to believe the truth of God’s word.

To summarize all this, integrity is about being true to yourself. How is this possible if cognitive dissonance is permitted to interfere with the Holy Spirit desiring to bring truth to one’s soul? Pride may feel good, but it separates one from God. To put down one’s ego is to pick up one’s cross.

To walk in the flesh, led by sense, involves the use of ego-defense mechanisms to resolve dissonance. The problem with this is that it does not really resolve anything! What tactic is chosen to attempt getting rid of the discomfort dissonance brings varies in harm levels, as long as the ego is being defended instead of truth.

Truth defends itself, so when one is walking in the Spirit by faith in God’s truth, that soul is no longer in need to defend its ego. Instead, it’s set free just like we’re told in the Bible what truth does! When we’re set free from our own prideful egos, we’re free to become who God designed us to be. We have no need to defend our beliefs, because the Holy Spirit is the person who is molding us into the new creature our savior saved us to be born again to become.