
Ashokan Reservior

All these photographs of the Ashokan Reservior are by my adorable artistic friend Ann. She can walk the walk, so permit her images to talk her talk!

When the pictures began arriving to my phone from Ann’s, it wasn’t known how many more would be coming. There was no plan for them. They were only being saved for the sake of viewing again later.

On the average, these pictures are taken a day apart. Their dates aren’t available to show here now, but what can be said is that these images were taken in the spring and summer of 2023.

These photos represent the months of May on through to July. In April, the skies were still getting sprayed. Sometime after the first week of May ended, the skies stopped getting sprayed! The weather changed into being very pleasant, in general.

Thank you Ann for enabling others to see the beauty you’ve captured with your phone’s camera!